Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I just want to cry!

Not to rant and put a damper on anyone's day.... BUT........

So, would you say my ankle was broken or just swollen?! Any guesses??

BROKEN! I can't believe it! Last night I was walking to my moms house and I was walking along side the kids, while they were on the sidewalk and I was in the grass... and what do you know- a BIG hole (which was cleverly disguised as grass) swallowed me and my ankle turned the wrong way, one too many times- and voila- you have a nice, juicy, swollen, and I mean SWOLLEN, not to mention broken ankle. Lovely! Chet goes out of town- and not 4 hours later I have a BROKEN ankle! Am I bitter ?? NO! I mean YES- but only because every time things seem to be going great in my life... WHAMMO- something happens like THIS! I just want to flip my own lid- and I want to run in the streets screaming!!! Since I can't RUN- does anyone want to put me in a wheel chair - and roll me down a stupid hill- so I can flail my arms screaming, that the world must HATE me- because I now have a BROKEN ankle! I have NEVER broken a bone in my body (well- one toe and my middle finger- which was great when I had to cheer at football games- and I had a splint on my middle finger!) But nothing MAJOR! I'm totally out of commission- I CAN'T believe this! UGGGHHHH! I'm totally feeling sorry for myself- and YOU for falling for my April fools joke:)

Have a great day!


Morgan said...

BERTIE!!! You totally had me!!!!!! I thought that leg was too big to be yours (even though it was swollen... :) )

Amber Staub said...

Nice one Bertie! You totally had me. I was trying to think of a good April Fools joke to blog and I never came up with one, so I'm impressed! That foot looks very painful. I'm glad it's not yours.

Katie said...

You totally got me too Bert!! Good one...

Mom of 2 Cuties said...

leave it to bertie to pull that...here i was all feeling sorry for you!!! whose ankle is that anyways...nasty!

Joyce said...

I was just about to bring Veldon's wheelchair to you.

Melynda said...

I was going to call and ask if I could take your kids. That was a good one!

Stephanie said...

Sadly, I fell for it too and I just saw you an hour ago. I just kept thinking, she seemed so fine earlier tonight.

meg said...

I fell for it toooooooo! I remembered how swollen my ankle was when I sprained it, and I was feeling BAAAAAD for you!

I loooove April Fool's DAy! It was a good joke, nerd!

Kaylynne said...

Haha funny. I felt most bad for you because Chet was gone. I chiped a bone in my ankle and my saving grace was the Joe could take a couple days off work to help me.

Jill Hunt said...

You got me on that one! You are too funny but so fun! Glad it didn't really happen!