However- this past week and a half has seemed a little tougher to not get down on myself. Feeling like I'm not doing enough, not teaching my kids and being a good example, etc...-- and the only time I get like that is when I decide to rely on myself to do everything vs. going to my Heavenly Father in prayer to ask for his help and guidance. (and why do I ever try to do it on my own??)
This morning was really no different with the kids being slow to get ready for school, then it seems like it always happens in the bathroom when it is time to brush their teeth- and the yelling and screaming and crying begins... this time- Dante was trying to be nice - and was going to brush the back of Erin's hair for her- but Erin didn't want him to- but he tried to force it and take the brush away from her-- and with the playing of tug of war with the brush ... Erin ended up hitting her finger and cutting it-- nothing big, but big enough to make a big debacle about it.
Nothing I should get upset about -- but because something similar happens every morning before we have to get to school-- I think I was going to go crazy! (again WAY to early to go crazy and to be jumping at my kids!)
So- after I dropped them off at school I came home and opened up to read some conference talks that I had missed. I went down the list and the one that jumped out at me to read was Elder David A. Bednar's talk on "More Diligent and Concerned at Home"
I can't believe that I missed that talk! We didn't get to watch much of Saturday conference... and I'm glad I was impressed to read his talk because it was what I needed. I actually laughed at the part where he says,
"Now and then verses of scripture were read amid outbursts such as “He’s touching me!” “Make him stop looking at me!” “Mom, he’s breathing my air!” Sincere prayers occasionally were interrupted with giggling and poking."
I mean- doesn't that sound familiar!
And then I feel better when I see happy pictures like these of when my kids are getting along and LOVE each other and when things are peaceful and happy in our home..... and that the showing love and consistency in our home IS working out after all!!
Dante and Ethan hugging at a swim meet.
Ethan and Erin sharing some down time before their next swim!
One of my favorite pics of my kids playing warrior and damsel in distress....
Erin and Ethan with new baby puppy Sadie.
Erin and Ethan helping Dante create his gingerbread house masterpiece at his school Christmas party in 1st grade!
I just need to remember that as long as I keep doing what has been asked of me, and asking my Heavenly Father in sincere prayer for help and guidance, then my "days" will not turn into weeks (like this one has) and instead I'll be able to be reminded of what my purpose is and how PRECIOUS my children are and that the positives far outweigh the negatives and that it will all workout in the end.
We are one big HAPPY FAMILY!:)
I think you are the best mom and wife ever. I was shocked when I read your post because it seems like you never run out of patience. You're too cool for school, Bertie! And I love those pictures, especially of my Effie Beefie with his long hair. I miss y'all!
Bertie!!! I think you are the most patient, kind, and loving mom ever!!! I love the pictures of the kids...especially ethans super long hair! You are the best and I love you!
I love your family! I'll miss seeing you and your kids when I come home!
Yes, I have to 'amen' those other comments. You are an amazing mother and your unconditional love and amazing patience will be an example that will bless your kids lives in more ways than you can imagine! I love you and miss you already! I love that picture so much to of the kids playing damsel in distress. Ethan's sword in his underwear is HILARIOUS!!!
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